Who am i

Who am I?

An internationally trained shamanic mentor and qualified Louise Hay Facilitator, public speaker, published author, journalist and English teacher, Vanessa A’Wakan has been facilitating life-changing workshops in England, Scotland and various cities in South Africa for the past 30 years. Today, Vanessa travels to Hawaii periodically for intensive shamanic training and retreat on the volcanoes of Big Island with the Huna shamans. A healer, mentor, teacher and spontaneous channel, Vanessa believes that all beings have an inherent spark of magnificence. She has spent the past 30 years leading others to experience this aspect of self.

Vanessa’s wise ones have spiritual greatness that is on a level incomprehensible to the human mind, their moral purity is filtered through her and is now channelled through her for the higher good.

With this, her power and ability to uplift humanity is unmatched and this is why you are here reading this right now.

You need to be touched by her guidance and have been led to this site so you may learn what is in store for you.

Vanessa has helped so many in their quests for understanding themselves and discovering where they fit into the spiritual cosmos.


Email vanessa@soulwhisperer.co.za

Mobile:+27 071 892 3606